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Parish Council


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What does the council do?

Sandymoor Parish Council works towards improving the community well-being and providing better services at a local level. The Parish Council was formed to give the residents of Sandymoor a forum whereby they can have an input into the development of the area and raise any local issues or concerns. We have many projects ongoing to improve the parish for all our residents.

When & where does the council meet?

Unless stated otherwise on the published agenda, all Parish Council meeting commence at 7pm on the fourth Thursday of the month at Hazlehurst and are open to the public. Next meeting date.

How can I become a councillor?

Councillors are elected every four years with the last election being May 2021. If a vacancy for a councillor occurs, due to resignation of a current councillor, between those elections, then the vacancy will be advertised on this site and via our social media accounts. Any suitable candidates will be co-opted from the applications received.

What are the projects the council are currently working on?

We are currently working on several projects to improve our area, for details see the projects page.

How can I get involved in a project?

The council relies on volunteers to help make the projects successful. If you are interested in getting involved in one of our projects then please attend one of our meetings ( next meeting date ), email Arthur, our clerk, or use the contact us form.

I have questions, how do I get them answered?

If you'd like to ask a question at a meeting then please email Arthur, our clerk, before 5pm on the Wednesday of the week before the next meeting.

I have an idea for a project, who can I contact about it?

If you'd like to propose an idea for a project, this must be done at one of our meetings. To do this then please email Arthur, our clerk, the details of the idea before 5pm on the Wednesday of the week before the next meeting so it can be added onto the meeting agenda.

I run a local group and would like some help with costs, can I apply for a grant? How?

We do provide grants for local groups. There is a grant awarding policy and procedure to follow and a grant application form to complete.

How do I get the information about the local group I run included on The Hub?

Please email Louise, our digital officer, with the details of the group.

I have noticed a problem in the area, who do I contact?

Check out our useful contacts page where you should be able to find who to contact to get the problem addressed. If the contact you need is not on there then email Arthur, our clerk, who may be able to help.

Which areas of public open space do the parish council own and maintain?

The council currently owns and maintains 4 areas of public open space as shown on the map. Site 1 is a small area opposite the mini roundabout at the junction of Newmoore Lane and Wharford Lane. Site 2 is currently maintained as playing fields by Sandymoor Ormiston Academy. Site 3 is located between Swans Reach and the Bloor Homes development, this is the location of our new Jubilee forest installation. Site 4 is the Swans Reach pond.

Can I request a memorial plaque on one of the benches in the Jubilee Forest?

The council have agreed to allow residents to have memorial plaques on the benches in the forest but it needs to be requested via this  form  and adhere to the specifications described.

© 2025 – Sandymoor Parish Council