Sandymoor is a civil parish in the borough of Halton, Cheshire, England. The parish lies in the eastern part of the town of Runcorn. The council consists of 8 Parish Councillors who are elected every four years – the last election was May 2021. All Parish Councillors are volunteers. The council has 2 employees: The Clerk and the Responsible Financial Officer & Digital Officer.
All Parish Council and Committee meetings are open to the public and there is always an opportunity for the public to speak about issues of interest or concern. The Parish Council welcome the views of all residents and would encourage their participation in the future development of Sandymoor. We hope to see you at the next meeting.
Unless stated otherwise on the agenda, all Parish Council meetings commence at 7.00pm on the fourth Thursday of the month at Hazlehurst and are open to the public. People wishing to speak on a particular agenda item may do so but are asked to observe a normal time-limit of three minutes for their contribution. The agenda for the meetings is published three days in advance on this website and on the Councils notice boards, one of which is sited on Stalbridge Drive near the pond and the other is just off the village green, near the playground off Otterburn Street. Any comments or questions to be raised at the meeting must be submitted to the Clerk no later than noon on the Tuesday before the meeting.