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Community Engagement

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As part of our evolution as a parish council, we would love to have more community engagement in what we do as a council and how we can improve the area for everyone.

One of our first steps was to employ a digital officer to develop and improve our online communication and information streams, including this website and our social media presence.
We would like more of the community involved in the things we are doing for the area and to come forward with ideas on what they would like to see done.
To this end, we have started a public awareness project to heighten the profile of the council, it's reason for existing and the projects we have in the pipeline that residents can get involved in.
We are also aware that there is little for the youth of the area and so we have begun a youth engagement project so we can hear from the young people and teens in the area what facilities they would like to see developed within Sandymoor.
As part of our community engagement project, the Parish Council, along with some amazing volunteers have decided to restart the tradition of the Sandymoor Summer Fair, with the first being held in July 2024.

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