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Halton Cycle Route Public Consultation

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halton cycle route

The parish council were recently sent the following information to share with our residents regarding the public consultation on cycle routes around Halton:

The Halton Active Travel Cycle Route Enhancement Public Consultation is now live.

Engagement period and scheme information:

Mott MacDonald are working on behalf of Halton Borough Council to develop 6 cycle route enhancements (subject to securing funding from the LCRCA). This is to make cycling an easier option for those travelling short distances, bringing improvements to safety, convenience, and connectivity. These cycle route enhancement proposals are in the outline design stage and are subject to further traffic studies to inform their feasibility. The Halton active travel cycle route enhancement consultation will give you the opportunity to shape what the cycle route enhancements will look like in and around Halton. This consultation will run from Monday 2nd of October until Monday 30th October 2023.

How to provide your feedback:

You can submit your feedback via the online feedback survey available on the engagement platform at: Here you can view all the route maps, cycle enhancements and provide your feedback via the online feedback survey. The website also has details of our 2 public consultation events being held in Halton in October.

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